We made treat bags for our kids classmates and teachers.It easily added up to around 35 little gifts.It is very easy to go over board but i wanted to
- Keep it simple but cute
- Keep it frugal yet not cheap looking
- My kids MUST participate in making it happen
Of course,these days there is pinterest to help Mom like me and thats where the ideas came from,i customized little bit to suit in my budget.
For teacher |
Teacher's valentine gift |
For classmates |
- I don't wanted to print the cute labels.My printer is a ink hog or spend money outside printing it,so i made my kids write it.Yes alphabet practice bonus !
- I love paper crafting(or thats what i think),so i have some crafting supplies.I cut out hearts and my kids scribbled,drew on those white cards and glued heart cut outs,which they handed to their classmates.
Valentine cards for classmates |
I probably spent less then 50 cents on each gift.Cheap can you say?Cute,i like to think so !You be the judge.
That's some good parenting..right there!!! I loved it, that's awesome that kids are contributing in making this as well.